Mor og barn kurset er tilbake!

Fra 5.februar starter vi opp igjen med vårt populære mor og barn kurs hvor nybakte mødre kan komme i gang med trening, uten å måtte lete etter barnevakt.

På vårt mor og barn kurs står mor i senter, og vi arbeider oss igjennom pilates øvelser som styrker mage og bekkenbunnsmuskulatur med fokus på konsentrasjon og korrekt gjennomføring. Ta med deg ditt barn, og møt opp på trening!

Gå inn HER og les mer om kurset!

Hilsen fra oss på The Room i Oslo

The First 10 Pilates Mat Exercises

(After a few special requests we wanted to post this in English for our English speaking readers & customers).

Though one will find tremendous variation in the way that Pilates exercises are presented today, there is an original traditional order to the Pilates mat exercises as developed by Joseph Pilates.

Below are samples of the first 10 exercises of a classical Pilates mat workout, including a fundamental warm-up. The exercises in the traditional program create a challenging workout, especially for the abdominals. Many instructors and classes will precede this classical program with some warm-up exercises.

Each exercise notes modification reminders to assist those who are beginning to develop their core strength or have physical challenges.

The hundred

The hundred builds core strength, stamina, and coordination. To do this exercise you must fully engage the abdominal muscles as you practice a dynamic breathing pattern.

Modifications for the hundred include working with the legs higher, or slightly bent, and leaving the head down.

There are exercises you can do to prepare for the hundred which can help to improve your form.

The Roll Up

The roll-up is a great challenge for the abdominal muscles and a wonderful articulation for the spine. It has been said that one well-executed Roll Up is equal to six regular sit-ups, and is much better than crunches for creating a flat stomach.

Supported roll back and chest lift are good training exercises for Roll Up.

The Roll Over

The roll over is one of those exercises that Joseph Pilates saw as stimulating the spine. It does involve a lot of spinal articulation, and the only way to control that is to use your abdominal muscles.

Remember, roll over goes only as far as the shoulders. It does not roll up onto the neck.

One Leg Circle

The one leg circle challenges core stability, as one must keep the entire trunk—including the hips—still as one leg circles independently.

Modify this move by having the non-working leg bent with the foot flat on the floor. The knee of the working leg can also be slightly bent.

Rolling Like a Ball

The first of the rolling exercises, rolling like a ball, stimulates the spine, deeply works the abdominals and tunes us into the inner flow of movement and breath in the body.

Modifications for rolling like a ball include holding the thighs behind the knees and opening the legs further out from the body. Do not do rolling exercises if you have back or neck problems.

Single Leg Stretch

Single leg stretch is often cited as an exercise that helps target the lower abs. Of course, it works the entire core, requiring strength and stamina as one maintains an upper body curve and keeps the torso stable while switching the leg and arm positions.

Modify single leg stretch by leaving your head down or working with your legs higher.

Double Leg Stretch

Going for even more abdominal strength and endurance, we follow single leg stretch with double leg stretch. This move is a graphic way to experience working from the center of the body as the arms and legs reach away and return together.

Spine Stretch

Spine stretch is a Pilates mat exercise that feels really good. Though it is still a flexion exercise done with the abs lifted, the emphasis has changed to stretching the spine. Spine stretch can also be a stretch for the hamstrings as well as a moment to center oneself before moving on to more challenging exercises.

Spine stretch rarely needs much modification, but those with tight hamstrings may want to sit on a small lift or have the knees slightly bent. Spine stretch can also be done with the arms lower, fingertips along the floor.

Open Leg Rocker

Open leg rocker is a deep abdominal control exercise. The rolling has to come from deep within the core, not from momentum. Throwing your head back to get going, or jerking yourself up by pulling on the legs, are not part of it.

For some, rolling exercises are very hard and for some, they are not healthful for the back. Open leg balance is an alternative to open leg rocker.

Have fun and remember to breath!

The Room

Bli Pilates Reformer instruktør!

Vi tilbyr flere ulike kurs,  workshops og sertifiseringer innen Pilates,Yoga og bodywork. Alle våre kurs foregår hovedsakelig på norsk og alt undervisningsmateriell er på norsk.


Om Reformeren 
Dette er apparatet som skal hjelpe kundene å gjennomføre øvelsene riktig og gi dem utfordringer, som de ikke får på samme måte med trening på matten. Reformeren er i første øyekast et enkelt apparat. Det finnes imildertid flere hundre forskjellige øvelser, som kan utføres på apparatet.

Du vil lære inngående hvordan apparatet brukes, og hvilke sikkerhetsmomenter man må være klar over før det taes i bruk. Reformeren skal bli kundens beste venn, som skal overraske dem med nye momenter og kombinasjoner. Her er også instruktørens rolle sentral.

Les mer om våre kurser HER.

Hilsen fra oss i studion 🙂